Bad Movie
Seems the movie showing the assasination of a live, sitting president is going to be released in the US. Funny, the democrats don't seem to have a problem with it? Although they had a lot of problems with the showing of the movie "the Path to 911"?
Hmmm.... Oh, yeah, and we're not allowed to connect the war on terror with the attack on 9/11, judging from their criticism of the President's speech the other night. Evidently the attack on 9/11 was not connected to terrorism; or at least not in their eyes. Which, it seems, have been taped shut somehow, along with their ears. So no inconvenient truth can get in. Never let the facts get in the way of a good campaign!
Well, I'm watching all of this while I'm making up my mind how to vote.
Hmmm.... Oh, yeah, and we're not allowed to connect the war on terror with the attack on 9/11, judging from their criticism of the President's speech the other night. Evidently the attack on 9/11 was not connected to terrorism; or at least not in their eyes. Which, it seems, have been taped shut somehow, along with their ears. So no inconvenient truth can get in. Never let the facts get in the way of a good campaign!
Well, I'm watching all of this while I'm making up my mind how to vote.
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