Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Monday, May 07, 2007


I forgive their wandering ways this time of year...

I've given up my idea of Chinese Wisteria for an arbor; I'm afraid it will wind around trees and burrow under the house. Plus I think it's poisonous? I know I couldn't keep up with it - I have a vision of myself with a chain saw, a shield and a helmet. I don't have time for this. Anyway, I'm researching other winding things. Hmph.

Maybe roses? But then how can we enjoy sitting in the arbor with prickery things everywhere. Morning glories are as bad as wisteria so that's out. Maybe we can use roses if we're careful. More shields, and gloves - and definitely helmets for sitting out there reading a book.

Oh yeah - the arbor. We're putting the old gazebo (Bob calls it the credenza) frame out in the way back; the storms ruined everything else including the roof. We plan to make it a pergola and grow things up it. I wonder what Bob will call it when it's a pergola, not a gazebo? Interesting.

I have to go now and get trained on How To Give Pood A Pill. Lisa's leaving for 10 days, you see, and I have to bear the responsibility of fixing up her cat; one that hisses at me if I even walk by her. And oh Dear God please do not let anything happen to Pood while Lisa's gone. As far as the pill goes I think some kind of catapult device would be best.

Shields, gloves, and helmet. That's the ticket.

I'm not afraid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pood has a funny way of showing love. It is all PTSD from when she had ringworm as a kitten and by the time we found out, it was too late. The ringworm had taken over our bodies (me and Carlos). Then we isolated her, and would not touch her for about 8 weeks. We really wanted to, but we could not. The only time we did was when wearing gloves to give her a medicated bath. She did not like the medicated bathing and it has haunted her to this day. Pood has PTSD.

9:05 PM, May 08, 2007  

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