Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have not posted since Tuesday? How can this be...
Well, I have been busy.

I am organizing the trip now; I want to reserve a hotel room half way there and Bob says no. He wants to "fly like a butterfly", "fly like a kite" (his words), and just go where the wind takes us. This is all well and good unless we fly into the clutches of a burglar/serial killer and I would like to know where we are going because I have this control thing...

We butterflies may be sleeping in our car for all I know.
flutter, flutter...

I have a map program to put on the laptop, but I need to free up space so I am moving stuff 2 gig at a time on a memory stick to the upstairs pc , to drive d:, which as we know is risky. But I cannot get the dvd burner to work so it is what it is. When we get back I will take this thing in to someone and have them fix the dvd burner.

Dvd burners were put here by the devil, to make you have evil thoughts.



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