Halp Us, Al Gore
... We are stuk here n the snooowwww.
Where is my global warming??????? Al?
I.Want.It.Back. Now.
This is a bunch of horse poop. Well, no actually it's a bunch of snow.
I could not open the back door Wednesday morning to let the dog out because of two feet of snow holding it shut. Scary, huh? What if it blocked in the front door too? We would be stuck in here for the rest of our lives. Gawd. So I trudged around back in snow up over my knees and in my pajamas and shoveled that horse doo doo away from the door. Well, no, it's snow, not horse poop, I forgot. Aaaack. Oh, and I didn't go to work. Take THAT.
I guess Lew and Vicki think I'm a wuss, cause I hear that they had 10 ft. of snow where they are. It's all in your PERSPECTIVE.
They're calling it the blizzard of 2007. Evidently we haven't had one since ...hmmm...1978. I guess. Whatever.
And my so-called car now probably needs a thermostat.
Just days after setting the house afire with his flame thrower, Bob today says the snow blower spewed gas all over the garage and that's why I smell gas in there; and that he soaked it up with cat litter and now we should be all right, and we won't blow up. This is meant to reassure me. (Just what exactly goes on around here when I'm not home???) Well, if the house does explode, we could build a new one I guess. It could be all good. Although I prefer the house to blow up in the summer, when it's warmer so we don't have to sleep in the horse poop while the new house is being built. I mean snow, not horse poop. Anyway, we could sleep in my so-called car, instead of the
horse poop
Happy day after Valentine's day you all. Didja get any flowers? Me neither. I guess my admirers are worried about causing global warming with the dadgum things.
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