Much better tonight! He was dressed and eating steak and potatoes when I got there tonight (hasn't really had solid food lately). Anyhoo, there was talk of moving him to the "general population" today but then every time he stands up his blood pressure bottoms out so another day at least in CCU. In and out of a-fib.
the doctor is ordering up some magic socks that he hopes will keep the blood flow from settling in his feet somehow, when he stands up. ok.
I have been since sunday, picking up repaired cars, and trying to ready some stuff here for winter. The GCT had to come down before we get high winds/snow because the roof will end up in the next county, as the last one did. Ron and David were here sunday and we picked up cars and then took off the roof and the sides of the GCT, and then Ron finished up Bob's diggage and planted grass seed and cleaned out the barn and I cleaned out the garage. But then of course we could not find a place open to buy straw and not only that they close every day before I can get there from work - so Farmer brought out straw tonight and scattered it on the stuff. This I think is to keep the birds from eating the seeds, although they probably already have.
thanks, you guys!
and tonight Mercy ate a mouse aacckk. I was pretty mad at her. But she does not seem to care at all. This happened while I was hauling the garbage to the curb tonight which was of the utmost importance because of the large dead rabbit in one of the bags - CATS. They left it in front of the door last Thursday morning (unless it just dropped dead there like that other one) - that same morning I locked myself out of the house and had to break the kitchen door by hurling myself against it (futile) and using a crow bar - and Mercy didn't seem to care at all, either, that someone was trying to break into her house, by the way. I don't understand all this unconcern.
anyway I don't have time to deal with all this wild game right now; this was the second mouse Mercy has found in two days; thank God she didn't get the rabbit - I used a long handled grabber to pick that sucker up and tried not to actually look at it ever.
Hello? I suppose dead birds will drop from the sky next. It's not like we are in a wooded area here, there's no excuse for it. Stop it.
P.S. sitemeter looks a little different now but it's still sitemeter.
the doctor is ordering up some magic socks that he hopes will keep the blood flow from settling in his feet somehow, when he stands up. ok.
I have been since sunday, picking up repaired cars, and trying to ready some stuff here for winter. The GCT had to come down before we get high winds/snow because the roof will end up in the next county, as the last one did. Ron and David were here sunday and we picked up cars and then took off the roof and the sides of the GCT, and then Ron finished up Bob's diggage and planted grass seed and cleaned out the barn and I cleaned out the garage. But then of course we could not find a place open to buy straw and not only that they close every day before I can get there from work - so Farmer brought out straw tonight and scattered it on the stuff. This I think is to keep the birds from eating the seeds, although they probably already have.
thanks, you guys!
and tonight Mercy ate a mouse aacckk. I was pretty mad at her. But she does not seem to care at all. This happened while I was hauling the garbage to the curb tonight which was of the utmost importance because of the large dead rabbit in one of the bags - CATS. They left it in front of the door last Thursday morning (unless it just dropped dead there like that other one) - that same morning I locked myself out of the house and had to break the kitchen door by hurling myself against it (futile) and using a crow bar - and Mercy didn't seem to care at all, either, that someone was trying to break into her house, by the way. I don't understand all this unconcern.
anyway I don't have time to deal with all this wild game right now; this was the second mouse Mercy has found in two days; thank God she didn't get the rabbit - I used a long handled grabber to pick that sucker up and tried not to actually look at it ever.
Hello? I suppose dead birds will drop from the sky next. It's not like we are in a wooded area here, there's no excuse for it. Stop it.
P.S. sitemeter looks a little different now but it's still sitemeter.
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