Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Sunday, October 05, 2008


there have been indications in my experience that prove to me that I am not destined to be Martha Stewart, or even Suzy Homemaker. Not only that, but that chaos will rule if I try to be like them although I keep making disjointed attempts to do so; because I feel really I should. (?)

Apparently, being oblivious to the fact that I can never do this, I continue on.

I bought a "reed diffuser" oh god a bottle of oil that you then stick bamboo (or something) reeds into, that then sucks up the oil into the reeds and "diffuses" the frangranced oil into your room. and so it does. The fragrance is "Ginger Peach" from Pier 1 and I really like it.
(I used to like it.)

This may sound fairly easy to you.

So I stuck the reeds, and set the dang thing on the buffett in the dining room. One word:


They walk around on furniture, dontcha know, and KNOCK THINGS OVER (why, why, why). Oh heck, yeah, and it turns out "Ginger Peach" oil will strip the FINISH from buffetts (and other living things). Yeah that buffett that I lovingly refinished back when I was in my refinishing mode, (which has long since passed), now has to have the top re-done and I'm getting to that, hopefully before Thanksgiving although it was not in my original plans for Thanksgiving, and will most likely once again, put me in A FOUL MOOD about the whole Thanksgiving thing, which truly, I love, but something ALWAYS HAPPENS.

We were leaving to go somewhere when I discovered this and tried to clean up somewhat; evidently getting oil under my fingernails as Bob kept saying: "It smells like a pie in here!"

that's me. I smell like a pie.

could be worse, I guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like something Angelo would do. He gets so curious about new stuff and has to stick his face in everything then stick his tail in it, I am sure. That is really kind of scary that it took the finish off, considering we breathe that in!

2:22 AM, October 07, 2008  

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