Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Friday, October 10, 2008

Updated Bob

Just talked to him (I am going there after work)
His right lung is pretty much filled up with pneumonia, but as of yesterday afternoon there were less "immature" white cells in his blood, which means it's getting better, I think.
Last night he had gone in to a-fib and was being given two units of blood (the why of which still confuses me)
and then of course the kidney malfunction
His sugar is all messed up now but the a-fib I think may be over; his defibrillating pacemaker having gone off at 7 this morning and fixed it (which he says is like being kicked by a mule)
They are giving him more blood. ? He wants to know where he lost 3 units of blood.
Can you get over filled with blood? What if something pops? (this is really how I think)

He had a CT scan in the middle of the night which showed nothing wrong with his abdomen. His one lung is pretty much full of pneumonia and his bp is pretty much staying 70/48 and he still has fever and intestinal upset. There is some kidney impairment. They are doing a blood transfusion today; I can't remember why.
It was probably pneumonia all along rather than flu, or maybe both or I don't know. Drs say there still has not been a reported case of flu in Ohio. I say they're stupid.

CCU room 11 and do not ask me how to find that room. I got very lost this morning.
CCU is "coronary critical care unit".

Thank God he is in the hospital where at least qualified people can take care of him.
One thing I am not, is a qualified people.
Pray your life is never in my hands. I might drop it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very concerned about bob. Tell him I love him and will think about him. I will see him in January, so be well by then. Sharon

1:46 PM, October 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very concerned about bob. Tell him I love him and will think about him. I will see him in January, so be well by then. Sharon

1:46 PM, October 11, 2008  

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