Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Friday, January 09, 2009

All Is Well

I called Windstream several more times last night because the dsl was out, and I began to notice that as soon as I called them the dsl would come on and stay on - until I hung up. They scheduled another service call, for today.

Then David said if the dsl only works when using the phone, it sounds like a bad filter on the line or something.

OK, we have hundreds of miles of phone wires draped around inside of our house, because of the way we do things. By "we" I mean "me", of course. so Lisa and Bob and I went on a tracking trail (this was a sight to see - joined by the dog and all of the cats, while crawling around on floors)- pulled and discarded three complete sets of long phone wire that weren't doing anything and tracked the phone wire from the dsl to its source and then by testing it at intervals along its path found a bad coupling in one section! whoo hoo, replaced one wire and dsl light came on and stayed on and the internets started zipping along at its new, faster speed. and the movie box has 4 dots quality and does not reload!

I feel so liberated! I haven't felt this exuberant since I discovered that it was ok and even expected, that you cut open the stitching on the pants' pockets that are mysteriously sewn shut when you buy them, usually the back pockets. This always baffled me - why make pockets at all then, if you're going to sew them shut? Why oh why? But I never felt authorized to rip them open - what if it left a big hole in the seat of my pants?! or something. Turns out everyone knows (but me) that you are supposed to cut open the stitching and turn them into useful pockets. Finding this out only made me madder at the pants pocket people, though - why do you not put instructions on the pants somewhere! There are other people like me around, you know. I think.

Where was I.....

You guys distracted me with the pants pocket issue! Try to focus, people. (although it IS a very valid issue)

Anyway, I fixed the problem myself. They are mailing me out 3 sets of labels to return 3 modems with postage paid by them (they don't know why 3, either - and I don't care anymore).
The only thing left to fix is the weather forecaster which is connected but has not updated and so I fired off an email to tech support and tonight I'll call them if I have to, and -

Uh-oh. That just seems too familiar. I'll end up with 10 techies crawling around on the roof with flashlights, giving me manual weather forecasts.

I think I'll try to fix it myself first.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe it!! All this time (9 years) I have been wearing my favorite suit jacket without the benefit of useful pockets. I have always wondered with annoyance why the fake pockets were even there... why they weren't real.

Thank you Sara. I didn't know either.

2:36 PM, January 09, 2009  

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