So Comes The Snow
yeah, well. We've lucked out so far, which is good - unless it makes Spring late.
At this time of year it seems like we have never had, and will never have, Summer.
It's dark on the morning drive and dark on the evening drive. When I get home I just want to go to bed because it feels like it's time.
Bob is gone right now so it's Mercy and Me. She makes it all day without having an accident in the house (other than completely destroying a Christmas stocking! - who would have known all that fluff was in there).
We drove to Vermont to see our new grandchild and let me tell you, flying is the way to go. The last time I drove there was 25 years ago and at that time I said, "Never again!" and I did not, until now. The circumstances were similar: small children in the car, driving all night, etc. etc. The problem was not the children, it was the twisty winding roads going through no man's land for hours on end with no lights in sight (get gas first!), and pull off parking areas for people that LOSE THEIR BRAKES. Evidently we were winding our way around a mountain (commonly called "switchbacks" in Montana, shudder). Drew got carsick.
I have had dreams like this.
My #7 grandson is a great little guy other than that he won't sleep unless you hold him. Ah, sleep. I remember those days. Years and years with little sleep.
If I ever get on here from home I will put in some pics.
In the meantime, wear your helmets.
At this time of year it seems like we have never had, and will never have, Summer.
It's dark on the morning drive and dark on the evening drive. When I get home I just want to go to bed because it feels like it's time.
Bob is gone right now so it's Mercy and Me. She makes it all day without having an accident in the house (other than completely destroying a Christmas stocking! - who would have known all that fluff was in there).
We drove to Vermont to see our new grandchild and let me tell you, flying is the way to go. The last time I drove there was 25 years ago and at that time I said, "Never again!" and I did not, until now. The circumstances were similar: small children in the car, driving all night, etc. etc. The problem was not the children, it was the twisty winding roads going through no man's land for hours on end with no lights in sight (get gas first!), and pull off parking areas for people that LOSE THEIR BRAKES. Evidently we were winding our way around a mountain (commonly called "switchbacks" in Montana, shudder). Drew got carsick.
I have had dreams like this.
My #7 grandson is a great little guy other than that he won't sleep unless you hold him. Ah, sleep. I remember those days. Years and years with little sleep.
If I ever get on here from home I will put in some pics.
In the meantime, wear your helmets.
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