Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Why did I get all these comments on the national shopping cart post? And they aren't on topic, EITHER.

You guys.

Global Warming Cooling Something

I received this in the comments:

"Global warming melts the polar ice caps and it travels to us as snow!" (Thanks, Liz.)
Well, this is the solution, is it not?!? Global warming causes global cooling! It's a wonderful thing.

Hmmph. Maybe we can go on this way - oh, another million years or so.

Oh, my God! Maybe it's ..... nature's way. What a concept.


My adventures in the grocery store continue. Last time I got behind someone trying to use one of those new-fangled cash transferring devices, commonly known as - "checks". Seems it's harder than you would think. And it seems to get harder the longer you've been doing it, say...50 or 60 years. Well, who knew?!? There should be some kind of warning, similar to the one on cigarette packs.
"Warning - the Surgeon General has determined that the use of these 'checks' may be harmful
to your health. Specific harm can be generated from the people Waiting In Line behind you,
while you try to figure all the ins and outs of "checks"; oh, and also, while you're at it - "how to Operate a Pen"(a new-fangled writing implement). Danger seems to increase
exponentially to the amount of time you have been trying to do it. Use at your own risk."


Oh - seems someone called my daughter a "baby killer" at her place of work, and I'm taking names.

By the way, we didn't "lose" in Vietnam - the rabid moonbat part of the American people lost us Vietnam; I hold them personally responsible for all the millions of deaths after we pulled out. There are many small brains out in the world, many of them owned and operated by Americans. Barking Moonbats.

Here's a link to someone trying to explain how the so-called "liberal" mind works: (it's worth watching)
How Modern Liberals Think

Off topic:
Happy Birthday to everyone born on the 26th & 27th! (You know who you are.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today's Nuze from Neal

From Neal Boortz:


The Democrats and the leftist media are making quite the deal over the fact that the Bush Administration fired eight U.S. Attorneys. Nobody is saying that Bush didn't have the right to fire those attorneys. They're just upset that he actually did it.

This is part of the Democrat plan to make sure that there is always something they will call a "scandal" going on each and every single day until the 2008 elections. As soon as this U.S. Attorney thing goes away they will pick another one .. then another .. and then another. The media, ever hopeful of a massive Democrat win in November 2008, will be all too eager to go along.

You do know why Bush fired 7 of those attorneys, don't you? The story is that they refused or failed to pursue investigations of Democrat voter fraud. Now maybe you have a better idea of why the Democrats are so upset that they were fired.

Now why would the leftist mainstream press fail to hammer home the point that there was actually a reason behind the firings? Well ... let's cogitate on this one for a bit. If the media continues to tell you that these U.S. attorneys were fired because they wouldn't pursue investigations of Democrat voter fraud, then Democrat voter fraud would become part of the story, right? Do you really think that the predominately Democrat media wants Democrat voter fraud to become part of this story? Come on! Especially when they have the Bush administration and the attorney general on the run!

But then again .. there's talk radio.

That's why talk radio must be destroyed.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


July. Can't find the thermometer. This will have to do.


There is hope for the world. The crocususususus (croci?) are up. Maybe you can't see them here, but trust me. They are a little bedraggled, but definitely THERE. Ahahaha! (If you click on the picture, you will see a larger version - they are definitely there.) The long winter of our discontent is almost done. The croci know.

I have a picture somewhere, from last July, of the thermometer on the deck reading 100 degrees. I am going to rustle it up and put it in here. It gives me hope. Go, July! Go, go, go, go! High temperatures are so much, much less trouble than low temperatures. This is why I do not fear global warming. I think it will bring so much more good than bad. I don't think, I know. And we have no control of it anyway; think what you will. That's what I think. And this is my place where I write stuff. So I can write whatever I want to.

Aside from that good news -, we're doomed. Yes. Humans aren't as dependable as plant life. I suppose it comes from having intelligence, I don't know - maybe we should trust our instincts and take the survival route. We have intelligenced ourselves out of self preservation, and there the trouble lies.

But me - I am still alive, mostly, and healthy, mostly, and have dumbed myself down enough to realize that survival is the most important thing. Ok, I was helped along with this by scary stays in medical facilities (not mine, silly!). You realize that the breath of life is what is important.

Viva le July.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Should You Vote?

Take the test.

I got 317 out of 350. Grade A.

Illegal to be a Republican?

This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican.

Since Teddy Kennedy walked away from a dead girl with only a wrist slap (which was knocked down to a mild talking-to, plus time served: zero), Democrats have apparently become a protected class in America, immune from criminal prosecution no matter what they do.

As a result, Democrats have run wild, accepting bribes, destroying classified information, lying under oath, molesting interns, driving under the influence, obstructing justice and engaging in sex with underage girls, among other things.

Meanwhile, conservatives of any importance constantly have to spend millions of dollars defending themselves from utterly frivolous criminal prosecutions. Everything is illegal, but only Republicans get prosecuted.