Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I Am Not A Good Citizen

I really really really do not want to serve as a juror. It has now been postponed twice; next date is Feb 11 (call the night before, blah, blah blah). I was right, they are going to postpone this into May and ruin my vacation.

But at least it gave me time to finish the end of the year tax reports at work - I didn't know HOW I was going to do that. (Go to jury duty, swing by work every day after, get home at 10:00 PM).

It has been my experience that Nothing is going to be easy. my whole life.

But enough about me.


Received this in the mail unexpectedly; brought me to tears. That was nice of them, don't you think? considering they killed my dog and all... ok, that was just wrong of me and I didn't mean it. But the fact remains, they killed him, while I held his head in my lap, being just as guilty myself. His ashes are in a box on my closet shelf and we will give him a proper burial in the spring. They're in my closet because Kyle could not seem to get over the fact that Einstein's gone and kept asking questions - I felt it best not to tell him that his grandma had Einstein killed because he was sick and then had him burnt up. It's all in the details.

So, he went to doggy heaven, as far as Kyle's concerned. It's better that way. And maybe he did; he's running free on a beach with all his sight back and all his people are always home.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Last week I had to hack open a soup can with a butcher knife, at work, because the cleaning lady organized the drawers and assumed we did not need the can openers, etc. that were cluttering up the silverware drawer. Well. There it is. Clutter. I can't say anything about it, either, because the "cleaning lady" is the boss's wife. But it would have made a good worker's comp claim, if I had injured myself, which I am prone to do.

The boss's wife does the cleaning in order to be on the payroll and thus accumulate social security credits, for, never having had a job, she otherwise would not be able to draw a retirement pay from social security. so, whatever.

But I was thinking of the differences between the "cleaners" and the "clutterers" (of which I am one). At least I have a can opener! I may not be able to find it, but I know I have one... that's a comfort. I think I have at least one of almost everything and given enough time I may be able to find it. Clutter leads to more clutter because you go and buy another one when you can't find the dang first thing. But then so does compulsive cleaning, doesn't it - if you throw things away? then you go buy another one, then that leads to clutter and drives the cleaner crazy. It's a loop. It drives the economy.

I have large clutter everywhere and also at work - but at work I know where everything is, even so. I would know at home, too, but I have to leave for big chunks of time, and I lose control. I get in trouble at home when I put things "away" - I usually can't find them ever again. It's always best to leave it on top of the microwave. I don't know where those things go - they're gone forever, I think lost in some kind of fifth dimension invisible to the human eye.

I have some stuff. somewhere.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


The snow is starting here today; just in time for my 50 mile trek to The Big City to do my civic duty as a juror. Why they have to come get jurors from a tiny rural village is beyond me. Probably there's no one in the Big City that hasn't been convicted of a felony; all I can think. Which I may be, by the end of it. No electronic devices (cell phones) etc. I assume no smoking either, the whole dang day. This will not make me happy; not that I'm happy to begin with. I have to call after 4:00 tomorrow to see if my services are required Tuesday. They will probably drag this out until May and ruin my vacation. Oh, yes, I'm sure of it.

And the ding dang birds are ignoring my spiffy new bird feeder, pretty much. I went out there today and unclogged the holes with a stick but I have yet to see one bird out there, although it looks like someone picked through the food and took the sunflower seeds. When do they do this? Ungrateful birds.

What I hate most of all today, is MUD. Only those of you with dogs can fully appreciate this. Let the ground freeze already, and stay frozen, until the grass comes.


Monday, January 07, 2008

Immigration Gumballs

If you don't watch anything else about immigration, watch this


hey - when driving through an atm, how about having your stuff ready to go instead of having to dig through your purse while we wait in line behind you?

How about driving your cart and yourself down one single side of an aisle in the grocery store, instead of parking the cart on one side and then standing on the other, reading Every Single Thing on the shelves? In fact, why don't you stay home.

How about not making telemarketing phone calls to people in their homes, you vile callers?

How about putting your turn signal on when you intend to turn down the road that someone is waiting for you to cross? Huh?

How about not summonsing me to Stinking Jury Duty 100 miles away? Why can't I do it in my own town? Why?? You have a whole large city there, don't tell me there aren't enough people close at hand. and p.s. how do I un-register myself to vote? and speaking of voting, how about getting us some decent candidates to vote for?

and why don't you put some actual useful information in your "help" files, you software people, you? You know who you are.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I got Bob a wall clock that sets itself by the atomic time, we can even see it (and I can also alarm him with medication times, heh) and it has an indoor/outdoor wireless thermometer. But I had to spend the first half hour convincing him that the wireless transmitter for the outside temperature has to go... OUTSIDE. It was very frustrating.


I know how to do SOME stuff.

Oh, And By The Way


More Of The Same!


Boob's flight is in five minutes; still on schedule but I am worried! While trying to reassure him in saying goodbye, I told him "don't worry about crashing!" and those words seem all wrong, somehow, but I was never good with words. I don't think it helped him in any way. So I'm useless.

And a loser! I sit here in a vast empty space of lost stuff and believe me, I don't know where it went and will probably never know, either. but a whole lot of stuff has gotten lost here this past week in the black hole we call "home" that sucks up stuff like you wouldn't believe or maybe you would, I don't know doesn't matter.

For Boob and Kim I took great! care in picking appropriate wedding/christmas cards since their gifts from us were gift cards/cash, but I brought the cards home (I think) and they immediately disappeared into this abyss, here. So, well, what? got new ones of course, but had to take what there was left and the whole thing was ruined. probably just for me, I am sure they would have tossed the cards just as we always did, BUT STILL! can't do anything right and I'm losing patience. with myself

and I spent several hours in the past copying old home movies to dvd and they AREN'T HERE. those dvds, darn them all.

I found other old, lost things in the process of looking for the new, lost things, though, but the pressure was off for THOSE old things but anyway, I'm glad I have them. for awhile.

Spring: 80 days