Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just Saying

HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made:

1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity.

2) Man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the mantle of the earth during geological history.

3) Warmer periods of the Earth’s history came around 800 years before rises in CO2 levels.

4) After World War II, there was a huge surge in recorded CO2 emissions but global temperatures fell for four decades after 1940.

5) Throughout the Earth’s history, temperatures have often been warmer than now and CO2 levels have often been higher – more than ten times as high.

6) Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time.

7) The 0.7C increase in the average global temperature over the last hundred years is entirely consistent with well-established, long-term, natural climate trends.



Sunday, December 13, 2009


Here is #7 grandson, the little dickens - he changes his looks from day to day. Say hello to Max.

Backup Dog????

When Einstein was 8 yrs old, I kept telling Bob, (only half joking): "we need to get a backup dog!" so one night he brings me a local rag that had Golden puppies listed, in Middlefield. so we decided just, to go SEE them. Well, you should never just go SEE puppies, because trust me, you will come home with a puppy. I mean, there is no way not to. I had to fight with Bob not to bring TWO of them home; I'm just saying; it's not just me.

thus, Mercy came to be with us. Now, Mercy has leapt into both of our hearts and just settled right in there DEEP.
This causes us great anxiety. We remember: it was only a couple of months after we got Mercy that Einstein went blind and we found he had a tumour behind his eye, and a month later, he was gone. It was truly a very horrible experience for us (but mostly for him), my Buddy, my feet layer, just to be gone in such the horrible way that he went. and Mercy was such a comfort and is embedded into our beings in a way that I know you dog owners will recognize full well.


Tonight, I told Bob, "Maybe we should think about getting a backup dog?" (only half joking) and I kid you not, a half hour later he brings me the same local rag, with an ad, from Middlefield, for Golden puppies.

I called the number after two false starts, (got a message saying it was disconnected) because the number was printed in the paper wrong - I finally tried the prefix of the ad in front of it (knowing data entry people the way I do) - and I finally got the puppy people. the first thing I said was, "do you know the number is printed wrong in the ad?" - and, yes, they did; they are getting that fixed. And then we talked puppies. There are 2 females and I think 7, males blah, blah, and colors and such, so I said, ok. My husband and I have to talk this over; I will call you back, my name is blah, blah, blah - and she says "Sara? This is Cheryl!"

WHAT?.... This is my cousin John's wife , these are THEIR puppies; this is THEIR phone # that was all wrong, although I ferreted it out, although I doubt anyone else did, so for now the ad is ALL MINE. (and the whole time, the number was in my address book, if only I knew)


and what do you think? Is this not weird? I didn't even know they had dogs, although John says I did; I discussed Einstein's color with him many moons ago, supposedly. (I attribute this to Alzheimer's.(mine) In any case I feel sure I did not know they were into having puppies! Was this meant to be? What should I do? I feel I must get a puppy, now, it's so weird... someone talk me down.


If we get a girl, her name will be Grace.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

And again, I am all signed in.

I have a document in "My Documents" called, I kid you not, "horsepoop"

I am so proud.

First Time In My Life

.... this freaking damn thing remembered my user name and password. although I tell it to, every single damn time. (lo, these many years. woe) It's not like I have anything to hide, my so-called life is open for review by any and all complete freaking MORONS that there are. what the hell? lessee, what shall I need to hide... hmmmm

Are things improving? Why, heck, no.

Computer is wheezing and groaning and actually shut down the other night (I let it cool down for a week and it is (at the moment), so-called working. I have managed to make a backup to an external drive that I, in my wisdom, got some months ago. The chances of me ever getting my data back OFF that drive into some other thingy-dingy are, slim, to NONE dot Zero Zero Zero

so, thinking ahead as the foresightful person that I am, I thought to make DVD's of a) My Music, and b) My Pictures - both of which are the ONLY important things on this POS crap pile piece of computer.

Once again, and as always, in my recent lifetime, the dvd drive will NOT recognize a) that it is a dvd drive and b) that it is supposed to actually do SOMETHING USEFUL other than sit there in My Computer and impersonate an actual working piece of equipment.

So I have put a large parcel of My Music onto my mp3 player, and at least I will have THAT. and now I will go look for my flash drives, which are who knows where. they are very small, you know.

also, in my WISDOM, I started saving for a new computer some time back, and I now have, "FIFTY DOLLARS" towards the damn new computer, which, no doubt, also will make my life a complete living hell.

but, hey. It remembered my SIGN IN. by gum. first time.

the devil lurks


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

So Comes The Snow

yeah, well. We've lucked out so far, which is good - unless it makes Spring late.

At this time of year it seems like we have never had, and will never have, Summer.
It's dark on the morning drive and dark on the evening drive. When I get home I just want to go to bed because it feels like it's time.

Bob is gone right now so it's Mercy and Me. She makes it all day without having an accident in the house (other than completely destroying a Christmas stocking! - who would have known all that fluff was in there).

We drove to Vermont to see our new grandchild and let me tell you, flying is the way to go. The last time I drove there was 25 years ago and at that time I said, "Never again!" and I did not, until now. The circumstances were similar: small children in the car, driving all night, etc. etc. The problem was not the children, it was the twisty winding roads going through no man's land for hours on end with no lights in sight (get gas first!), and pull off parking areas for people that LOSE THEIR BRAKES. Evidently we were winding our way around a mountain (commonly called "switchbacks" in Montana, shudder). Drew got carsick.

I have had dreams like this.

My #7 grandson is a great little guy other than that he won't sleep unless you hold him. Ah, sleep. I remember those days. Years and years with little sleep.

If I ever get on here from home I will put in some pics.
In the meantime, wear your helmets.