Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I just went back and read everything I wrote in here for the past year - I was looking for WD40 (long story). and having read all that I must say -

I am an idiot. I don't even think it was me.

oh well

Unclutter Problems

My boss and I were talking about putting a bird feeder outside the window. It started because we fed the squirrels a bag of peanuts, and that was fun. So last week he brought in a bird feeder complete with bird seed that he had at home and didn't use, he left it on the conference table in a box and he has been working on a pole in the shop ever since, so we can hang it up. Today he brought in the pole, all pleased with himself (and it was nice!) and after some discussion about the placement of it, there it is, right outside the window.

The bird feeder, though, has disappeared. The "cleaner" probably considered it "clutter" and pitched it, I bet. Or took it away; anyway it's gone.

I don't have much luck with bird feeders anyway or hummingbird feeders either or any of that stuff. They usually show up once and never come back again. Squirrels aren't so fussy.

Trouble Coming

I was thinking....
I should put a search function in here, somehow, so I can find stuff, for instance "the many uses of wd40" that I was wanting just the other day. Once I put a post in here and we turn a new page everything goes off into an abyss.

There are many MANY neat things I could put in here and yet it is probably not meant to be.

Maybe I should leave well enough alone.

I Asked Bob To Teach Me How To Shoot

... and all he did was get this lousy shirt ....
I am displeased.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Pics

Karen sent a bunch of pics by email of the "gathering" in January; I put them in the gallery, I think they begin on page 4. except for the movies which I can't get in there, but I plan to view them! Maybe I can put one on here hmm - good practice. But dealing with a computer is like arm wrestling an octopus. For me, at least.

Well whatever.

My blue flashlight turned up last night so now there are 7.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I was organizing cupboards (as we know) and got stuck about a stick on light for the corner cupboard that would not light which led to a hunt for batteries. that's how things go. anyhow that led to the discovery that we have a surplus of D cells (not needed for my light) but not AA's (needed) seeing that I bought 12 D's at Christmas for the toys I got the babies, and it turned out that was NOT what they needed, they needed something else entirely. I can't be trusted with these things.

Anyhow. I told Bob that since we have all these D cells we should load up all the flashlights. Now, he and I have a long on-going feud about flashlights, being that he confiscates them all AND WON'T LET ME HAVE ONE, so during a black out he whips out a state of the art sci-fi type light that pierces into the deepest gloom, while I'm bumping around in the dark with a puny candle, complaining piteously all the while. I finally went and bought two on my own, a blue one and a green one - I keep the green one under the fish tank, I have forgotten why, and the blue one has disappeared.

Well. Bob thinks that re-batterying the flashlights is a good plan so within 5 minutes he has SIX of them sitting on the table. SIX. and he says he probably has another six out in the garage somewhere. (!?!) but now we need more batteries after all.

Here they are:Notice the green one. Yep, he had that one too. Probably has my blue one, somewhere.

We talked about dispersing them one in each room, but we only have so many rooms after all and I don't know how many more he'll come up with. Maybe a whole new cabinet for them all? I know, we can call it the Flashlight Cabinet and I can put turntables in there....

Bob was in a church

heh but here's a picture:really beautiful church: St. Stanislaus I believe. I put the rest of the pictures in the Gallery.

back when I was agnostic I told Bob I was looking for the church where Jesus was. He says Jesus is here, in this church, hanging from the rafters.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Names Are Important

I have given Mercy a middle name; Marie. This is so I can yell at her properly. Any parents out there know that when serious stuff happens you use the whole given name. I still call the kids by their whole given name when I want their attention (my youngest child will be 26 in March) and I have a feeling they will be doing the same with their own kids, because it WORKS. This is how they know it's serious.

Mercy has already learned it: If I yell, "Mercy Marie!" she knows she's in bad TRUBBEL. (I know about the spelling but that's probably how she sees that word.) heh she sees the whole world in terms of "no", "bad", "food", etc but only a few select words. The rest she ignores.

I'm deep frying chicken and making fried potatoes for dinner tonight. Since it turns out we won't live forever after all we might as well have fun! and by the way, I think there is no such thing as "cholesterol". It's a made up term to sell drugs and hurt the cooking oil people.

I sees it how I sees it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


That's what I'm doing: organizing all the cupboards. My big obsession is turntables. I have four of them in cupboards already - I'm even thinking of putting a small turntable on top of a larger turntable.

This must be stopped. or soon everything in the house will be spinning around in circles.

Mercy had a birthday on February 18! One year old. She celebrated by hauling wood in for the fire while she was out on the deck; this actually comes in handy...

We, I think, have found a boarding kennel for her in May so that part is done; now we have to decide whether to drive or fly, drive or fly, drive or fly, hmmmm...... I guess the first step is to chart a route and see how long driving takes. We will have to rent a car of course, but we would have to anyway, if we flew.

Speaking of cars, my broke broke car mysteriously fixed its own self, somehow. Yes, the gas gauge is working again! but now my faith in it has been destroyed, and so I can never rest easy about how much gas is in there. Because of my OCD problem I was almost at the point of filling it up DAILY although there is no way I could have used up 12 gallons a day, just by driving to work. yeah tell that to my brain. Last time it wouldn't even take 3 gallons.

I hate that car.

Bob scared me last night by asking how to put someone's email into his cell phone. Me: "Are you going to email someone?" Bob: "No, I just want it in there." huh? He also wants to know how to use EBay. It's like an alternate reality.

So, we got the email in there but he agrees the EBay thing can wait until this weekend.

and how are all of you?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Free! At Last

I have completed my obligations with the justice system.

I arrived an hour late, having left at 6:00 am and arriving at 8:30. Not kidding. Between snowy roads and lostage, it took that much time. I visited 4 different parking garages before I found the one with the walkway to the courthouse. I had just pulled over to peruse my map (10,000,000th time) when Bob called to say that the courthouse had called, looking for me and that concerned him too, a little, since I had left two hours before. so I was on the point of just going home when I found another map in my stash and light suddenly dawned. It was the sign I had passed at least 6 times in my circling around of the area! The one I thought could not be it, because it looked like it was on a side of a cliff... how could you park there? But it winds around down to the bottom and then there it was. the whole time. I had arrived.

I was juror #42, out of 43. Heh. Maybe because I was late. anyway by the time they weeded out the ones they didn't like and seated 12 jurors and 4 alternates, they had used up 37 jurors. The rest of us were told to go home, our service was complete.

hoorah! and that's that, it's over, I'm done, and can sleep at night again. It took me another hour to find my car in the parking garage, but I'm home now and all is well that ends.

God bless us, everyone.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oh, Mercy Me!

What a noble dog. Laying there in front of the fire all stately.
On the other hand, she knocked the glass out of the storm door the other night when I was here alone and between Mercy and me we got the door put back together so that now the snow is on the INSIDE (I'm not kidding) so I guess everything's backward and upside down. Right now it's too cold to try to fix it so we're learning to live with it.

Bob & Alex Had A Birthday

Bob Tries To Take A Nap

Alright, already....

I understand that the justice system cannot continue on without my presence. So I will be there Monday morning bright & early, having trekked through a freaking blizzard and hopefully arriving with life and limb intact, but my luck's not so good, so... But if it's so freaking important that I be there, then I WILL BE THERE good grief. So next week I will be lucky to get home by 10 pm, seeing as how I will have to go to work after I go serve justice, because I don't have any flunkies that will do it for me while I'm gone, sigh. Or should I just go to work on Saturday and Sunday? no, that won't do it.

I need a FLUNKY! (note to self: start looking for one..)

I'm going to stop thinking about this and post stupid pictures or something.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Check it out...

the blog of unnecessary quotation marks

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mercy Is A Genius

She's using the computer. I left the room to go to the bathroom and came back to find the "find" function open, with several letters typed in. Evidently she was looking for hieroglyphics. In case she needs them. since she's chewed up all her other stuff.

Yes, Well, About That Car

The gas gauge needle is swinging wildly again or else staying determinedly on "full". Or "empty". So I have been filling the tank twice a week now, just in case. Last time the needles started swinging the alternator went, and so tonight I had the alternator checked out.

They say the alternator seems fine but I don't know if I trust them. The fuel pump is also working fine, but the fuel "sensor" is an integral part of the fuel pump and that's what they say the problem is. So to fix the gas gauge I must replace the fuel pump (their price: $765.00).

God give me strength.

It still may be the alternator, in my opinion, which means I could very well be stranded next week on my way to do my civic duty, as a JUROR.

Ok, "8's" and "6's" just appeared in my typing. !!! Well, the dog WAS just trying to get on the keyboard but I didn't see her touch the numbers....

Anyhoo I may have to look at buying a new old car since the old old car is a broke broke car.

I hate cars.

Friday, February 01, 2008


I just got a 10% raise! Maybe I can buy a new old car...