Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Bob

He absolutely refuses to go see a doctor, although he sits every night with his head in his hands, saying he does not feel well.

I would like him to get checked out before we travel but I have no success with that.

** bang head against wall **

Well, it was a lot easier to keep him in medical care when he was unconscious, as hellish as all that was.

hmm... I have a cast iron skillet?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Technology Whoo Hoo

Having been unable to reach any of my techno geeks, I actually, with the help of google, and sheer dumb luck, managed to find a "wep key" to set up wireless internet access for a computer, and also diagnosed why this computer was freezing up - isolated the program that was causing it and will have to uninstall/reinstall that program, eventually, but not now.

No, don't ask me what is a wep key. All I know is I needed it, I found it, and it worked. That's all you ever need to know. The rest is on a need to know basis.

And Fred Says Hello

Big honking frog.


My centerpiece for the day - who woulda thunk this late in my life it would take so little:Yes, it's summer, again, and small boys are picking flowers for me, again.
You should let some dandelions grow just so you can savor this experience.

We had Kyle & Ryan over night so I sleep on the couch which is a midway point between the two rooms. Kyle always comes down in the wee hours and crawls in with me until the snoring drives him to a chair (3 ft. away? how does it help - he says it's too "noisy" on the couch.) This time I woke up and asked him "wassup" - he says he got poked in the eye and that's why he came down. Luckily for him, gramma was kind of groggy with sleep and not in her usual alert and watchful state of mind, because Liz says this is a pattern with him and he always says he got poked in the eye. because if Gramma had been in her "normal" state of mind it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Kyle could have found himself surrounded with emergency medical technicians examining his eye poke - even at 3:00 am. Gramma Has The Technology. And Has Used It.

and here's the previously broken redbud tree which is having the best year yet - I am still trying out the macro thing that Kim showed me the wonders of, but as I think I have said previously: I am not the world's best picture taker, alas. Better?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Bob

I have been trying to get him to call for an appointment with his cardiologist, since every day he says he doesn't feel good. so I just called him now and said he has to call TODAY.

He went turkey hunting this morning. I just don't understand how you can see wild animals and think, "I want to SHOOT that!" Unless of course, we're talking about moles. I want to shoot shotguns down mole holes all day long - or maybe explode them all up.

But that's just me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


that car won't let me put my window down half the time. Dang. So I couldn't use the drive-up ATM; I just sped away, because I pulled ahead so I could get out of the car and the car behind me took my spot. Guess I can't go to McDonalds either.

I think I'll take it to Rusty in the land far away to have him look at it. Or should I just stick it in the fish pond for a decoration?


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last June -here's the doggies in it. sigh.Gary asked me what the heck we were putting a roof on - the "g/c/t" I call it - it's in the archives here, somewhere. Because it's actually called a gazebo, Bob always calls it a credenza (speech impediment) and last year we took to just calling it the "tent" so we'd know what we were talking about. We have it by the pond so we can watch the fish swim round and round (boring). But anyway we like to sit out there. because we're old, and boring, too.

I got blue prints for an actual wooden gazebo and told Bob we should build it, how hard can it be? But he says he's not doing it and he says I can't make him do it, either. He has had experience with my not-so-hard projects before. When we put in the pond our yard actually looked like we had some kind of disaster for awhile. But it turned out all good, didn't it? heh.

We had 18 fish last fall and we haven't seen any dead ones yet this spring. They get HUGE over the winter for some reason. Sloths. they should spend the winter Cleaning Their Room so we don't have to.

I couldn't find a pic of the outside and I don't want to trek out there right now. Later.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Now About These Vegetables

Ok, I have been saying I'm growing tomatoes this year and various other edibles but I can't tell you how much I'm dreading it, having been there and done that and my, it was a lot of work. and ripe tomatoes don't do that well with procrastinators. They are READY when they're READY and by gum you better do something with them because they won't wait. I remember canning and freezing until I was ready to drop back in the day. So I just want to have one tomato a day, somehow, and I'm not sure how to arrange that? Maybe just one plant of each thing... and stay AWAY from zucchini because that will take over your whole property and produce produce produce until you end up using them for doorstops.

The garden has to wait until after the Trip. Maybe it has to wait until I retire. Probably be cheaper to buy veggies at roadside stands. No - Bob wants fresh vegs and we are going to grow some sigh. Well we had better fence them in because we have a yard full of rabbits.

Speaking of that, there were three of them playing under the oak trees one night and I saw one of them head towards our barn, where it dropped dead. Did I tell you this? I don't know if it suddenly reached the end of its life cycle or what. But there it was, a very large, dead, rabbit. If it only could have lasted 5 more minutes it might have made it to the neighbor's yard! Bob is the dead animal handler around here and so he dealt with it by putting it in a garbage bag and putting the bag on his car. ?!? and eventually he took it to a dumpster. days later. I don't know how he thinks. but anyway our digging days are (almost) over.

That rabbit probably didn't get enough fresh vegetables.

Climate Change

Spring sprang sprung - here
Glenn's house Saturday
Is it warming or cooling? Cooling or warming cooling or warming. tsk.
It makes my head hurt.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dawn In The Kingdom

Mercy and I went outside to have our coffee.

I have to go wake up His Royal Sleepingness, we are putting the roof on the g/c/t today before the rain comes. This should be funny.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have made a resolution to write something, no matter how wrong, in here every day. For all you faithful readerswho want to hear about my so-called life for whatever reason. I heart you all!

Hello Everyone

I have been busy here what with planning a trip, organizing, major dental work, car probs, cats, etc and everything. But! I found my turkey roaster that has been missing since Thanksgiving. because what would I do without that.... I have all these turkey basters, dontcha know.

I threw away the drippy coffeemaker because I got it (sort of) undrippy and then I was careless about pouring water in it - now it won't turn on, I make myself tired. Yes, that was a two hour ordeal one Saturday morning, trying to make coffee, being all grumpy because that's how I am before I get my coffee. so, I thought if I let it dry for two weeks and try again.... but no! So it went away. However I am hanging on to the user manual for some reason (yes, it mystifies me, too but that's the way I roll). The kids can get rid of it later. I'M GLAD THAT COFFEEMAKER IS GONE. Yes, indeed. and before you ask, we have a Mr. Coffee backup.

So I'm having dentist appointments and lugging cat litter, and man, that cat litter is going to kill me in the end; probably collapsed in the driveway covered in bits of clay. Saves burial time. I can't wait until Lisa is safely back home - and then she can take away some of these cats. Now, Lisa thinks that Angelo will get out and disappear and I won't tell her, I have NEVER lied to her about that. Last time when she called he had already come back and I said her cats were fine, when asked. I would NOT lie about it. If Angelo was gone I would say, "he's up on the roof and we can't get him down!" (family joke - she knows what it means)

Yes, Lisa is in-country on her second deployment. My yellow ribbon bow blew away so my tree now just has a yellow strip around it har. I will fix it this weekend if I can. But I am not an artsy-craftsy person so the odds aren't looking good. even with tying bows... I suppose y'all think that's easy? think again. The blue star flag is safely inside the window so it's still there, until the cats knock it off.

Lisa called me today at work with very poor connections and we can't probably talk much until this weekend being as they are 7 hours further into the future there so right now it's after midnight there. I can't call her then. I can't call from work. Dang; they are 7 hours in the future and I didn't ask her what the lottery numbers are!

and speaking of all that: let's hope she stays safe. and that aside - I am tired, I tell you, of talking about Iraq. I don't want to hear any more about it, nope. Nobody has any answers so us peasants just have to keep plodding along with the day to day stuff. I am having an Early Withdrawal from politics. Politicians are all the same and nothing ever changes, not that I know what I would want to do, anyway. But I haven't heard any good plans from anyone else. So let's not talk about it. Just plant a vegetable garden. We are not any safer now than we were on 09/10/01 and we won't be either because nothing ever gets done after all the talking and nothing ever will get done. and that's why we are driving, not flying, on our trip. that, and the fact that it's less pressure.

If I can Keep Bob Alive for the trip, that would be good. He is now trying to eat himself to death, all other methods having failed and the extra weight causes untold probs for his heart and etc. doc says 50 lbs should leave from his now shamu like frame. Well I am trying to help with that by buying fresh veggies and not cooking as much. Take tonight. I am not cooking (God knows what he ate today, though!) maybe we can gnaw on some raw carrots later or something. But he gets up in the night and eats ice cream and peanut butter. I feel bad in a way because why shouldn't he eat what he wants? He could starve himself and then have a heart attack anyway, it doesn't seem right. I lost 30 lbs once by eating only one meal a day and not eating potatoes or bread. it worked! But I don't think he can do that.


I found in my docs a blog draft I wrote in Sept. 06 and never posted, about the soul and consciousness etc. Hilarious. I'll put it in here soon and you can critique it.