Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Friday, December 19, 2008


you may wonder why I haven't been writing junk in here. You may well wonder.

My computer has decided to lose its hard drive (yeah, the one that has all my pics on it) - it just does not find it. This comes after months of not letting me use the dvd drive as a dvd burner - which I wanted to do, to back stuff up. all parts of some sort of diabolic scheme. My plan is to take it apart tonight and see if there are any loose connections inside of the hellish thing. Let's hope.

Meanwhile, the laptop - at the same time, of course, - won't stay on for more than 10 minutes. Just shuts itself off.

There ya go. I'm bumbling around in a morass of techno gadget gizmo hell, as is my way.

Don't judge me.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


We are over 3000 visits! Yay!


Yes! I almost forgot!

why, anonymous people, will you not tell me your name!

that aside, we have to wassail at the inn! for it will be all charles dickens'y and God Bless Us Every One!




Liz said maybe she will bring the boys over Saturday to help decorate our tree - that would be so cool. Having them put on the old decorations their mom and her sibs put on there over 20 years ago. we're liking it. (Note: Call Julie, too)

Hey - you guys all come on over, too, for some hot chocolate.
I can sing a carol or two. unless you pay me not to; and then maybe I will sing some anyway, because I can't be trusted. (What happened to our piano!) But hey. If you can't sing good, sing LOUD, I always say, which is probably why no one has let me sing in very MANY years.

Felize Navidad.

Pot Holders

the silicone potholder that Bob mysteriously disappeared, reappeared just as I was calling his bluff. Oh - wait - you don't know.

Two days ago I asked him where the blue silicone potholder went (I had 3; now I had 2). He said he put it in the dishwasher with the dishes.


Then I forgot about the whole thing, cause that's what I do, mostly.

I - me, myself, and I- unloaded the dishwasher today. There was NO pot holder, dammitol. Not that I remembered, at all, at that point, to look for one, but there was Definitely No Pot Holder, Thank You Very Much. I know what I'm not seeing, not that I was LOOKING. You see, I did not realize that I did not unload a pot holder because I was not looking for a potholder; you see how that works?

It turned up, underneath the meatloaf, during dinner, while I was berating Bob about the absence of it.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's Official

Every horrible thing that ever went wrong with my computers, or networks, or gizmos has never before happened to a single live person on earth. Therefore there is no solution to it.

Every single time.