Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mr. President What Happened To You?

You are the President of the United States. You are committed to a doctrine, shaped by 9/11, which says that never again will terror or illegitimate force be appeased. So what happens when you arrive at a formula to end the Middle East conflict called a ‘Road Map’ whose first requirement, that the Palestinians must dismantle their infrastructure of terror, is ignored by the Palestinians who continue to carry out rocket barrages and terrorist attacks and who make no attempt whatever to dismantle the said terror infrastructure? Why, you convene another conference where you announce a glorious new prospect for peace in which the parties solemnly pledge to respect their obligations under the Road Map!

Read the whole thing:

I swear, I personally know at least 5 people that are more informed and educated than this president.

How I Do Stuff

Tried to do some stuff on the computer last night; incompetent. Called Boob, waited for return call - followed his direction, all is well. Half way through it all the keyboard quit working, found cord had been severed from being stuck in the sliding drawer. Found other keyboard (finally), shut down computer, went to get flashlight out of bedroom so I can see to plug it in back THERE. Power is out in the bedroom. Get flashlight; go find circuit breaker and flip the switch. Reset three blinking alarm clocks. Back to the computer: plug in keyboard (finally) - turn on computer. There is a nasty noise when it starts back up, either needs new fan or hard drive is going bad again (eek). I must back up the whole C drive tonight, just in case.

I finished up my stuff (hmmm what was it again?). Went to bed, fell asleep at 11:30. Alarm clock rings at midnight, not set properly.

Tonight I will start backing up the hard drive.

I expect stones will rain out of the sky and fall on my head.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thank God It's Over


Most everyone knows Bob spent it in the hospital, having been rushed there early Wednesday morning. He came home Saturday at 11:30 and left for his Pennsylvania hunting trip at 1:00! Try and stop him. Not bad for thinking he was dying Wednesday morning.

Some of you also know that I got pretty snarly by Friday night - sorry.

We loaded up the food and took it to Dave & Loretta; thank God for family. Thanksgiving morning I was stuffing turkeys and kept having an almost uncontrollable urge to grab a turkey in each hand, wind up, and FLING. (take that, you turkeys)

Einstein's getting worse and I don't think he can see at all. last night he fell down the stairs and it's all my fault for not being careful enough. He seemed to be ok after the fall but I have to keep him by the collar when going up and down now; before he knew how to go himself, not now. I'm not sure what to do. He has a re-check Dec. 6 but all this medicine seems to be doing nothing, although it seemed to heal his bad eye - I mean it's not swelled up and bleeding anymore but it is obviously sightless.

What to do.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Turkey Voodoo

The fun will be in the mishaps.

Going to buy all the turkey stuff after work today. Now, there is NO fun in grocery stores. Not any, none. But it's a place to be, everybody's got to be someplace. Hope all the HSMO's are staying home!

P.S. I'm sorry about the previous whining post, what an idiot. Life is good, and all that rot. had it been an actual life. But I'm convinced that all of this is a figment of my imagination anyway. Couldn't possibly be really happening...

Friday, November 16, 2007

We're OK

if anyone's asking. defective husband blind dog bad puppy sucky job no money bad car, but it's all good

And, also - SCREW THANKSGIVING and all its turkeys and basters and pies and potatoes and stuff I don't have and need to get. And screw the Lion's Club; there, I said it.

Just give the thanks to God heh



P.S. I found a turkey baster! (only one) a cause for hope

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Earth Rise, Earth Set - from the moon

Year Of The 50

1999 was the year I turned 50. Also completely menopausal; fully hormonal - weeping if I got stuck in traffic, or conversely wanting to get out of the car with the tire iron in hand.

It was also the year my father died slowly and terribly, and my mother died suddenly, three weeks later. It was not a good year.

Now you all may have different ways of handling this but my way was: to get a puppy, as fast as I could. (ok, I wasn't completely normal) but anyway - it worked. It kept me so busy I didn't have time to think about anything else, because he would chew up the whole house if you weren't paying attention, and then throw it up on the carpet, probably, later. And he sent hair flying to every corner of every nook and cranny - we've probably vaccumed up two tons of hair in eight years.

He stuck to me like glue. If he wasn't by my side wherever I was, once I realized that, I would have to hunt him up - because something must be wrong. That is, until Bob got sick. Then he would lay at Bob's feet. (How did he know??) Amazing.

But Bob put him in his car Monday night and met me at the vet, and then took him home in his car while I settled up - and my dog wouldn't get out of the car until I came home and he heard my voice. (he can't see, you know.)

He's my dog. Together, we know what to do. The vets need to know that this is a very important dog. He's the glue that sticks me together.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Einstein's bad eye's cornea is ulcerated. His "good" right eye has a mass behind it. The specialist seemed mystified about it all; her first words were that it's very mysterious. and no ultrasound. More meds, including steroids for the next 3 weeks. I don't know if all the swelling has to go down before the ultrasound can be done or what; but I thought that was why I was driving 100 miles: to get an ultrasound. I have to take him back in 3 weeks.

What do I know.

The supply of different medicines is getting large and very confusing. Different drops for the right eye and left eye, etc. It does not take much to confuse us around here, so we're in trouble.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Einstein's Eyes

I took him to a new vet Saturday because the first one just said old age and didn't do ANY tests or anything, and because Saturday morning one eye had completely swelled up and closed and was bleeding. They gave us a whole bunch of medicines, mostly importantly, pain medication and ran a bunch of tests.

We go there at 5:00 today to get the test results and etc.

I'm thinking eye cancer and all kinds of horrible things, because that's how I roll. And because we seem to have a way of having supposedly simple things turn into catastrophes. Bob and I are calling it the Burning Bush Syndrome; everyone else in the world has beautiful red bushes right now, but the one we planted 3-5 years ago gets ONE SINGLE RED LEAF. Every year. We are only allowed to have a LITTLE happiness, you see. Burning Bush Syndrome.

Well Einstein doesn't deserve this.

Friday, November 09, 2007

25 Photos Taken At Exactly The Right Time


Red Rover, Red Rover

Let Andrew come over

...he's here!

November 8, 2007 9.04 lbs 19-1/2" Andrew Nathan Botos

Monday, November 05, 2007

Mind Blank

Ok, there are some things I'm not going to think about until I have to: Einstein's eyes/head

and etc.

We are having a baby this weekend! And a no-wedding wedding! Babies and bridegrooms, tralala.

Ok, Sunday morning I decided that we MUST get Mercy's toenails trimmed immediately (new carpet) so I called Pet Smart groomers, and they said, oh yes! open today from 10 to 6, done as a walk-in, no appointment necessary blahblahblah.

So I conned Bob into going with us so one of us could run into Kmart to look for curtain rod brackets (long story), because of the dog being in the car. We arrived at Pet Smart at 10:45 - there were people outside on the sidewalk, Bob got out with Mercy and took her to the door: nothing. Door won't open. at all. So he's grilling me now; how do I know they're open (I called them) and what time they open (they told me - and it says 10 am right on the door, so there!) anyway we went to kmart - didn't take as long as I thought. Back at the pet store at 10:55. Closed. I am truly baffled, but here comes a lady with keys! Bob is grumbling; she must be late, time change blahblah -WAIT! TIME CHANGE??? What time is it? Why, it's actually 9:55, not 10:55.

All my fault I'm afraid. I'm trying to find a way to blame Bob but so far no luck.

In other news, Mercy's ears are straight again I just noticed. That is sad, but at least I got a good pic of them when they were crimped. Must have been a residue from puppyhood. So now she's a DOG I guess.

Take care and wear your helmets.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Einstein's Gone Blind

Possible brain tumor.

Now it's coming after my dog.

/last straw

Go Here Look At This

and try not to cry.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Dogs Praised for their devotion to dying master:

The golden retrievers stayed with their master, guarding his body, for at least three weeks after he died. They lost about 9 pounds each but vets say they are healthy.