Boob's flight is in five minutes; still on schedule but I am worried! While trying to reassure him in saying goodbye, I told him "don't worry about crashing!" and those words seem all wrong, somehow, but I was never good with words. I don't think it helped him in any way. So I'm useless.
And a loser! I sit here in a vast empty space of lost stuff and believe me, I don't know where it went and will probably never know, either. but a whole lot of stuff has gotten lost here this past week in the black hole we call "home" that sucks up stuff like you wouldn't believe or maybe you would, I don't know doesn't matter.
For Boob and Kim I took great! care in picking appropriate wedding/christmas cards since their gifts from us were gift cards/cash, but I brought the cards home (I think) and they immediately disappeared into this abyss, here. So, well, what? got new ones of course, but had to take what there was left and the whole thing was ruined. probably just for me, I am sure they would have tossed the cards just as we always did, BUT STILL! can't do anything right and I'm losing patience. with myself
and I spent several hours in the past copying old home movies to dvd and they AREN'T HERE. those dvds, darn them all.
I found other old, lost things in the process of looking for the new, lost things, though, but the pressure was off for THOSE old things but anyway, I'm glad I have them. for awhile.
Spring: 80 days