Half Empty

"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started." - Donald Rumsfeld

Location: United States

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yes, Well

Ok, we bought a new umbrella today but Bob would not let me put it up and go sit there because of the 30 mph winds, which is likely just-as-well. And we got bird seed and loaded up the bird feeder but as of yet, the little feathered fiends have avoided it all. which brings me to this question: do I even LIKE birds? they're not the brightest things in the world, having sat at my desk and watched them crash into the front window at the office (what can I do) so I guess it boils down to - I want to feed them and thus feel good about my charity to them. or something.

I really don't know what I'm trying to get out of it. The birds have survived long before I was born and will continue to long after I'm gone - why do I want to feed them? They are not at all concerned about my state of affairs. They don't care at all, if I eat, or if I don't. And they don't take pictures of me eating. They could care less.

But then, I don't think Mercy cares whether I eat or not, either so long as she does (eat).

Whatever. I have to have a dog and I want to feed the (ungrateful) birds and I don't know why and I don't have time to find out why.

It is what it is.

In Country

Lisa will be there tomorrow, for all I know because she's very secretive and that's all good. So we spent the last part of the afternoon watching a 1950 something version of the "Titanic" which is not conducive to high hopes. I tied my yellow ribbon around the tree and put up my new blue star flag (I have 2 now,) and pottered around the house.

She says one of her team mates was supposed to throw out the opening ball or whatever they call it at the Indians opener - he cannot do it now so his mother is doing it. AWWK I hope no one ever expects this from me. a) I hate the Indians b) I can't throw worth a darn

that poor woman.

anyway I hope yall are appreciative of people sending their children off to defend your freedoms, and throwing your opening balls, too. even if you disagree with this war the next one may be one of YOUR making and the same people will likely go. because the same people always go, don't they? or at least the ones that are left, the ones willing to fight for whatever it is, instead of laying down in the road and blocking traffic to make a statement. yeah takes a lot of courage to do THAT.

not that there's anything wrong with that.


Saturday, March 29, 2008


..at least we have some today. Still cold though.

Tomorrow we will go buy the solar lit umbrella for the deck bar and then we will go out there and sit. I MEAN IT. We may have to build a fire...

I got the biggest MilkBone dog biscuits that there are, thinking it would keep Mercy busy for awhile. It keeps her busy all right - it ruins her life. She runs upstairs and downstairs with it, whimpering and crying because she can't find a good place to hide it. Same thing every time. I'm thinking it's a female dog attribute because Daisy used to hide her bones, too - Einstein didn't bother, but he didn't eat them either - they just sat there until Daisy would steal it and then there would be TRUBBLE.

I went grocery shopping this morning - it was very dangerous. The golf carts were whipping around corners with no warning - shouldn't they have the beepers big trucks have when they back up? no slowing down and in your face. I know it must be hard to be disabled but hopefully you would retain some civility. Of course if it was me I would probably be out there at full speed, cursing and gnashing my teeth at the injustice of it all! So I'll shut up now.

and how are things with you?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Is Tomorrow!

... and it's snowing. hmph.

anyway this weekend we are going to sit on the deck and bask in Spring. Maybe wearing snow suits, but whatever. I plan to not miss a minute of Spring and then - the hallowed Summer.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Here's the door we got done:and the other doors for the other side have to be sliced off at the bottom, because the other side opens on carpet. These are bifold doors, they fold out. anyway...

Situation normal.

I have been printing out recipes for beer battered fish because the plan is to have a fish fry on Friday; the kids and their kids are coming over. Ok, so I have the recipes but I ain't guaranteeing nuttin'. Except maybe a mess.

We shall see, shan't we? Maybe the cats will end up the happy ones.

Oh - this weekend I will make another video clip of Lisa's cats, in daylight this time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Proof of Life

for Lisa:
(I had a little trouble doing Pud, being besieged by other animals at the time - she was unconcerned)

Ok, here's Angelo:

I guess I need to shed some light next time.

Tech Support

That was me - tech support, yesterday while Bob was hanging up new closet doors. Which went pretty well after assorted mishaps, puzzlement, and upsidedownery. and so we only got one set of doors up - the other half awaits.

I'll put a picture in here later.

and why do instruction writing people not try to make their instructions clear? Why bother writing instructions at all, then? Big waste of time, both their's and mine. Pure mischief.

It seems to me that since the time change (Spring Ahead!) that time has been going a lot faster. Is such a thing possible? in any case, let's pick a time and stay in it - I hate Daylight Savings time changes. I no longer know WHAT time it is. (partially due to not having changed all the clocks yet; just did the Hungarian clock yesterday and the cuckoo clock is an hour slow in time and an hour fast in cuckoos, and I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FIX IT, it makes me crazy) Why do I even have a CUCKOO CLOCK? rowr Of all people I certainly should not have one! all these gizmos and thingamajigs to bungle up.

and how are things with you?

Happy St. Patricks Day

and happy birthday, Pat. Rest in peace.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Luck Is Getting Better

ok, so last night I drove home, picked up Bob, back to the dealership to pick up Lisa's car where it was having (warranty) repairs.

He drove away first in Lisa's car; when I pulled out I found that: I had no brakes. None at all. So, called Bob back; he rants something about "there's always BACK brakes", says he's driving it home.

uh uh. I talked him into driving it to Firestone, instead, which was closer - and so he made it there ok. We left it there and went home in Lisa's car! (My daggone car now needs new brake lines, front to back.)

But I was just thinking it was fortunate that we were both out on the road, with two cars, close to repair shops, and that my car waited to break itself until the exact moment we picked up the other car.

So, we're still breaking down everywhere all the time but now we're doing it more handily. Maybe it's a learned art?