Here's my advice: always wash new clothes before you wear them. ok, I know that YOU know and already do that. sigh. I do too.
Usually. But, because I am a weak and sinful person and thus fully deserving of all the afflictions you can think of giving me (I just had to have a "root scaling" done on my bottom teeth - yes, that is as awful as it sounds - oh, yeah, and that Christmas cactus) - one time I didn't. ONE TIME! about 3 weeks ago. and it was PANTS.
so the first day I had a red stripe across my stomach and thighs, and because of the fact that I'm an idiot WHO NEVER LEARNS ANYTHING (this is not the first time) I just self-medicated with ointments and what-not which did NO GOOD WHATSOEVER and I didn't even take benadryl until two weeks later at which point I am now covered from head to toe in an itching painful rash. But still I did nothing. Most of it was still covered with clothes.
Until today. Because now I have it in my face and eyes. This morning I could see part of my face without looking in the mirror. (I know some day this will kill me - and I know this is the point where I really should see the doctor - and I told him; this doctor; "this face thing is all because of PANTS" - this is where I got "the Look" - you know the one (or do you?) - the baffled look of trying to understand the consternation) I think sometimes I don't explain things clearly; I skip the middle part.
Doctors. They didn't understand the cat food cut, either.
So I got a shot, and I got a lecture about coming sooner, and I start the steroids tomorrow, which is what I always have to do, and should have done immediately. I'm throwing the pants out (worn once). Everything has to be cotton from now on.
At least it took my mind off my teeth.
If you see someone frantically scratching their sides like a monkey, that would be me. All from PANTS. Whoudda thunk it.
Thank you, Mom. (where I got it from- along with that cactus)
How come David got all the good stuff?